Learning Electronics, AI, and Programming (LEAP) Camp
- June 22 - 28
This is a Broadening Participation in STEM initiative. Camps focus on support and empowerment of traditionally excluded populations in STEM including (but not limited to) the areas of socio-economic status, gender, 1st generation college, race, ethnicity, rural schools, and ability. All are welcome to apply.
The climate is a critical aspect of our everyday lives. The outdoor temperature and rainfall affect everything from clothing choices to crop yields. Understanding the current weather, forecasting future events, and studying the climate begin with gathering atmospheric data. Collecting and processing this data requires cross-disciplinary efforts from scientists and engineers.
Atmospheric data can be collected using small embedded systems deployed in the field. These embedded payloads contain small computers (microcontrollers) and numerous sensors. The sensors gather data, and microcontrollers handle simple processing. However, these weak microcontrollers are insufficient for problems that require complicated computations. Consequently, embedded systems typically transmit their data to a more powerful computer that can perform more complex analyses. These powerful computers are often hosted in the cloud.
This summer camp will teach you about electrical engineering and computer science. You will learn how individual components of an embedded system work and how to combine them to create a portable weather station. You will learn how your embedded system can communicate with powerful cloud computers and analyze your data with artificial intelligence algorithms. By the end of the camp, you will have a personal weather station you can deploy outside your home!
In this hands-on camp, you may explore topics related to
- Introductory programming concepts such as loops, conditionals, and variables
- Soldering, printed circuit boards (PCBs), and hardware assembly
- Simple circuits and various sensors
- Cloud computing and data analysis
- Foundational concepts in artificial intelligence (AI)