2021 Virtual Summer Research Symposium
Featuring SpHERES researchers, POETS Young Scholars, & Grainger Engineering Young Scholars
Friday, July 30, 2021 | 1:00-3:20pm Poster Presentations | 3:30-4:00 Awards Ceremony
On Friday, July 30, 2021, the twenty-three high school researchers who participated in this summer’s research experience for high school students will come to an end with this showcase and celebration. Presenters and their mentors participated in 7 weeks of study and research with the Center for Power Optimization and Electro-thermal Systems (POETS) Young Scholars program, the Sparking High Schooler’s Excitement for Research in Engineering and Science (SpHERES) program, and the Grainger Engineering Young Scholars (GEnYuS) program.
This symposium will feature the remote research projects from 12 different research groups. The high school students were mentored by faculty and students at the University of Illinois, and high school educators provided an added layer of mentoring during this expanded virtual experience.
Symposium Posters
Sparking High Schooler’s Excitement for Research in Engineering and Science
Coordinator: Dot Gordon, EBICS
Teacher Mentor: LaTina Taylor (Chicago Pre-College Science & Engineering program)
Teacher Mentor: LaTina Taylor (Chicago Pre-College Science & Engineering program)
SpHERES-Kong: A New Form of Medicine Delivery- Miles Johnson, Ayden Cloud (Urban Prep Bronzeville)
Teacher Mentor: LaToya Wilson (Urban Prep Bronzeville)
Center for Power Optimization and Electrothermal Systems (POETS) Young Scholars
Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation: Research Experience and Mentoring (EFRI REM) Young Scholars
Coordinators: Jessica Perez & Joe Muskin
Research Mentors: Dr. Matthew Alonso, Dr. Bruce Elliott-Litchfield (POETS)
Teacher Mentor: Thomas Gelsthorpe (Central HS)
Research Mentors: Dr. Bruce Elliott-Litchfield (POETS)
Teacher Mentor: Cynthia Smyser (University HS)
Teacher Mentor: Thomas Gelsthorpe (Central HS)
Research Mentors: Jon Dewitt Dalisay, Dr. Alexander Vakakis, Dr. Sameh Tawfick (EFRI NewLAW)
Teacher Mentor: Jay Hooper (Centennial HS)
Grainger Engineering Young Scholars (GEnYuS)
Coordinators: Lara Hebert and Marie-Pierre Lassiva-Moulin
GEnYuS-Wagner1: Visualizing Electron Behavior-Jordan Tatum (Urbana HS)
Teacher Mentor: Elizabeth Ohr (Urbana HS)
GEnYuS-CHEETA: Resizing of CHEETA aircraft tail-Bethany Blackman, Lionel Billingsley (Wolcott Prep)
Teacher Mentor: Geniene Minkus (Wolcott Prep)
Teacher Mentor: Smadar Bergman (Englewood STEM Acad)
Teacher Mentor: Steve Nystrom (Arlington Tech)
Teacher Mentor: Latoya Wilson (Urban Prep Bronzeville)
GEnYuS-Wagner2: Communicating Electron Behavior-Mia Ruiz-Almaraz (Urbana HS)
Teacher Mentor: Elizabeth Ohr (Urbana HS)
Near-Peer Mentor: América Duran